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Recruitment Needs - July 2020

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#1 Galarian

  • CT Recruits
  • 2,681 posts
  • Gender:Male

Posted 15 July 2020 - 04:00 AM

As this hare-brained idea of double the loot in a raid chest is going on this summer, Crimson Tempest is running out of raiders to gear up. This has led to some distraught moments for our members:




You should help Pwedge take his mind off of these matters and come apply to us!


We are currently looking for these classes in particular:


  • Magician x2
  • Bard x2
  • Cleric x2
  • Paladin
  • Druid


If your class wasn't listed, no worries. Other than Necromancer (as well as Shadowknight and Warrior unless you're a stud, geared, veteran player of those two classes), we're open to other classes. Send myself, Zarzac or Risla a PM on our forums, or look for drinal.Galarian, drinal.Galerius, drinal.Risla or drinal.Shreds and send one of them a tell/cross server tell.

Edited by Zarzac, 15 September 2020 - 07:35 PM.
